Knit One, Kill Two Chapter 3 and 4

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, still no love for the book but I am hanging in there. Let see, so far we have: mysterious homeless guy arrested for murder, mysterious $20,000 loan, and now the mysterious disappearance of the family quilt. Now in Chapter four a possible love interest climbs over the fence and makes friends with the rottweiler.

Maybe I am just being too hard on this book.....maybe. Either way there's 14 more chapters to go.


Linda said...

I have to say that I do enjoy the series. I did read this one out of order after reading one or 2 of the later ones. Maybe that helped me. I was able to suspend disbelief in some of the happenings because I knew a little about them already.
And hey--I like to dip my hands in fiber as much as anyone. Although the books do get carried away with the store descriptions. I just take with a grain of salt.